Du var som en ängel (You were like an angel) av: Andreas Nilsson & Patrik Mikael Fredriksson

"Du var som en ängel"

Text & musik skrivet av: Andreas Nilsson & Patrik Mikael Fredriksson

A song my friend Andreas Nilsson wrote many years ago and I loved it ever since the firts time he played it for me, sometime when we were drunk and played our hearts out. He had only written the chorus to the song which is fantastic but it needed a vers like any other song and I hade a couple of verses to a song I wrote, a song with no chorus. And our songs fit perfectly with each other! I hade written the verses to his song without nowing it :) 

I will probably write the song in english one day soon....so more of you can understand what a wounderfull lovesong this is!

Take care friends, of your self and each other.
